Election Day: November 4, 2008

November 8, 2008 will be remembered as an historic day, when the first black president of the United States was elected. Poll lines were quite long in many places, but determination for change led most to stay for as long as it took. After casting my ballot, I shot a few panoramas of the three-hour-long line I had finally escaped.

To view the interactive panorama, click on one of the thumbnails below. When the panorama opens, click and drag to look in different directions.


Long lines at my polling place at Mayo Elementary School.


I waited in line for more than three hours. Light rain fell a couple of times, but, thankfully, only for a short time.


Most voters waited patiently and with good humor. I was very glad that I brought a folding chair, a book, and lunch.


The voting booths are just ahead! The excitement is palpable as voters sense the import of this election.